Existing Office Portfolio Review
Trigon was appointed to review a portfolio of 19 existing office and co-working spaces throughout England. The work involved review of existing fire safety strategy information, undertaking a non-intrusive site survey and preparing a summary report focusing on advice for maximum occupancy per space, tenant unit, floor and overall. Furthermore, the work included recommendation for potential upgrade to meet standard guidance and The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
Our responsibilities for the entire fire safety strategy include:
Project management tasks, scheduling detailed programme for desktop reviews, site visits and report writing.
Collect and review existing fire safety information (e.g. Fire Risk Assessment, Fire Safety Strategy, base build information, fit-out design etc.) for all buildings.
Develop Advice Notes and reports summarizing findings and recommendations to client team.
Trigon worked closely with the client and its facility management team to undertake this work for a total of 19 existing office buildings. We have been able to assist the client to understand fire safety matters related to existing buildings and outline potential risks and opportunities.